InLevel Up CodingbyItsukiSwiftUI: Locate Peers with Nearby Interaction FrameworkLet’s make a simple peer discovery app!Feb 23641Feb 23641
InLevel Up CodingbyTuan Hoang (Eric)Remove unused code in a real-world iOS projectHow did I integrate Periphery to remove unused code for my engineering team?Jan 191023Jan 191023
InUX CollectivebyAngele LenglemetzHow Duolingo, Nike, and Amazon use rewards to keep you hookedDrumroll, please! I recently sold an item on Vinted for the first time — finally, a win! To be honest, I originally downloaded the app to…Dec 27, 202458711Dec 27, 202458711
InBetter ProgrammingbyArtem HorovenkoCreating Complex SwiftUI Shapes Using Design ToolsAn easy way to convert design to codeFeb 4, 20233253Feb 4, 20233253
InThe StartupbyMichael LongDeep Inside Views, State and Performance in SwiftUIOr why those words may not mean what you think they mean.Sep 9, 20209275Sep 9, 20209275
alucchiniBuilding a Document Scanner App with SwiftUI and SwiftDataIn this tutorial, we will walk you through the creation of a document scanning app named Scanner Pro using SwiftUI and SwiftData.Oct 1, 202444Oct 1, 202444
Egzon PllanaUnderstanding Concurrency in Swift 6 with Sendable protocol, MainActor, and async-awaitThis is part of the article Building a generic, thread-safe Networking Layer in Swift 6.Aug 25, 202485Aug 25, 202485
Alexander ObregonCross-cutting Concerns in Spring Microservices with Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)IntroductionOct 14, 202347Oct 14, 202347
InExperience StackbyJINMastering Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): Simplifying Complex CodebasesLearn how AOP enhances maintainability and flexibility in software development while overcoming traditional OOP limitations.Feb 9, 2024177Feb 9, 2024177
InNetflix TechBlogbyNetflix Technology BlogRecommending for Long-Term Member Satisfaction at NetflixBy Jiangwei Pan, Gary Tang, Henry Wang, and Justin BasilicoAug 29, 20245168Aug 29, 20245168
David DoswellThat Obscure but Powerful Feature in SwiftUI.If You Don’t Know, Now You Know.Jul 29, 2024881Jul 29, 2024881
Kalidoss ShanmugamSend and Receive Data Between Two iPhone Devices via BLE in SwiftIntroductionJul 17, 2024492Jul 17, 2024492
InChange Your Mind Change Your LifebyAnanyaI followed a dopamine detox challenge for 6 days — Here’s what happened.Led me to start another dopamine detox challenge in our community.May 3, 20247.6K115May 3, 20247.6K115
Stimpack: early-stage growthSolopreneurs and the rise of the 1-person Saas StartupsWe are in 2023 and Solopreneurship is real phenomenon. What motivates solo founders? Why is this movement here to stay?Oct 9, 20235066Oct 9, 20235066
InTokopedia EngineeringbyAlvin Matthew PratamaSuperPlayer: A way to incorporate AVPlayer with The Composable ArchitectureTokopedia Play has become a demonstrative visual tour that showcases the looks and the benefits of the product listed on Tokopedia. Users…Oct 19, 2021352Oct 19, 2021352
InPinterest Engineering BlogbyPinterest EngineeringLessons from debugging a tricky direct memory leakSanchay Javeria | Software Engineer, Ads Data InfrastructureSep 29, 20235772Sep 29, 20235772
ganeshrajugalla[SwiftUI] How to make a TikTok-style Glitch animationTikTok-style Glitch animationAug 28, 202320Aug 28, 202320
InITNEXTbyfatbobman ( 东坡肘子)Sync Data in SwiftUI Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreThis article will introduce the usage of NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, focusing on how to use it in SwiftUI.Sep 26, 20231512Sep 26, 20231512
IncomsystoreplybyFilip KisićMobile app clean architecture in practiceFlutter mobile app done cleanSep 19, 20232633Sep 19, 20232633
InThe Swift CooperativebyMichael LongSwiftUI: Why You Need AnyViewAnyView’s “performance problems”… and solutions.Sep 5, 20231.1K14Sep 5, 20231.1K14